Anniversary offer from RosAgroLeasing


VELES is a participant in the large-scale offer of Rosagroleasing to support farmers. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, Rosagroleasing JSC announced the launch of a new unprecedented program - the Jubilee offer. It incorporated the best practices of industry support for the period of its existence.
Agricultural producers who use "Jubilee" will receive machinery under the following conditions:
  • Reduced advances on all nomenclature - from 0% on all self-propelled farm equipment;

  • Delay on the principal debt for the whole anniversary year of Rosagroleasing until January 2022;
  • An extended term of the leasing agreement up to 8 years.
In addition, VELES, as a partner of Rosagroleasing, offers VELES, partner of Rosagroleasing, additionally within the framework of the offer gives 2% discount from the valid price.