Visit of Prime Minister to Altai Krai
On March 2 Prime Minister held a meeting with representatives of the industrial sector during his visit to the Altai Territory. According to Tatyana Filidova the process of technical re-equipment is restrained by insufficient solvency of the agrarians, that is why it is important to keep the mechanism of support for farmers in the form of subsidizing the cost of equipment within the framework of Resolution 1432 of the Government.
Mikhail Mishustin noted that "the subsidy is an excellent tool to support both buyers and sellers, and, most importantly, producers of domestic agricultural equipment. "Import substitution is not an easy process, and what is happening today is just how effective this measure is. I have visited a very large number of agricultural enterprises, where agricultural machinery is produced, and everyone is talking about it. This measure will be continued. Do not even doubt it". The Prime Minister also assured the participants of the meeting of the Government's intention to continue to cover the transportation costs of manufacturers within the framework of the Government Decree № 496.